
Body Bath Powder by Iknoor
1/4th Cup Whole Green Gram
1/4th Cup Split Red Lentil
1/4th Cup Gram Flour
1/4th Cup Rice
2 Tbsp Licorice Powder
2 Tbsp Red Sandalwood Powder
1 Tsp Walnut Powder
How To Prepare Body Bath Powder
Take Whole Green Gram, Split Red Lentil, Split Bengal Gram, Rice & grind them all into a fine powder. Mix them well with Licorice, Red Sandalwood, Walnut Powder & Gram Flour
Your Cleansing & Polishing Body Bath Powder is ready.
Store the powder in an air-tight jar.
Take care to keep it dry.
How to use Body Bath Powder
To use it as a body bath you must first prepare a paste of non-drip consistency.
Mix into 3Tbsp body bath powder a little milk for Dry Skin and curd for Oily Skin.
The desired consistency can be achieved by adding a little quantity at a time.
This paste should be applied on slightly damp skin and left on for 10 minutes.
Use a wet loofah to scrub in circular motion
Rinse well to reveal soft, bright, younger looking skin and apply moisturizer.
Benefits of Body Bath Powder
Use twice a week for soft, younger & bright Skin.
Exfoliates by removing dead skin layer.
Cleanses Skin, no need to use soap.
Lightens Dark Spots & Pigmentation.
Brightens skin upon regular use.
Helps get rid of wrinkles & fine Lines.
Deep cleans pores.
Chemical Free.
Tightens Skin.
Provides your skin with an instant glow.

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